Tuesday 2 January 2007

An e-bay account setup - How hard can it be?

I consider myself to be IT savvy, but the e-bay 'thing' passed me by. I just wasn't interested. Too much hype, I thought.

Well, as part of my new year resolution, I wish to get rid of a number of stuff with minimum fuss. I don't have too much time, so I am devoting a day to get all my gear on e-bay - how hard could it be? It will have to be done with military precision.

The critical factors for me are:
  1. Time it takes to get the stuff online
  2. Time it takes to sell the stuff
I hope e-bay will live up to the hype and deliver. I will be starting on a blank canvass i.e. read all the online instructions etc. I'll let you know how I get on.

Surely if I am disappointed, it will neither be because I am a technology novice nor because I am selling the wrong sets of goods...

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